2 Day Traditional leading course
Learn how to design, cut glass and use lead came to assemble a beautiful glass panel.
Service Description
We start the day with learning the principles of design to create a working cartoon. You will then learn to cut and grind the glass into the shapes. Using a jig you will cut lead came and assemble the glass and lead in place like a jigsaw puzzle. Then using a soldering iron to hold it all together you will learn how to cement it so its a solid piece, polish it black and add a chain to hang it in a sunny window. Materials will be provided. Please bring your lunch, refreshments will be provided. Please book the 2 days, either the Thursday and Friday, or Saturday and Sunday. Times may go over those listed depending on progress. Other dates are by mutually agreed convenience. Please email or phone me to arrange suitable dates.

Contact Details
+ 07854 539235
Great Britain, United Kingdom